Aquatic vegetation is vital to the Chesapeake Bay estuary. Along shorelines, in tidal creeks, and along rivers, a variety of vegetation grows in tidal areas.
In shallow waters of the Chesapeake Bay, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds remove nutrients and sediment from the water column, reduce shoreline erosion, and stabilize estuary substates.
SAV beds also provide important habitat for fish, crabs, shrimp, and other marine life. Aquatic grasses are important food sources for waterfowl and other aquatic birds.
In salt marshes, short grasses and small shrubs anchor soil in place. These environments are harsh and constantly changing. Not only are plants assaulted twice daily with tidal surges, but storms frequently flood these areas with tremendous force.
Above the salt marshes, vegetation begins to change. Grasses are replaced by pickerel weed, marsh mallows, and other wetland plants. In rivers and creeks, where the salinity is lower, lily pads (spadderdock) often dominate the shallows. In many areas, cypress trees grow along the shoreline, further anchoring the soil from erosion.
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